Director Brian Liu and Producer Jon Adelman flew to Chicago to do a multi-camera HD film shoot for our longtime friend Frank Orrall's 25th-year anniversary retrospective Poi Dog Pondering concerts that occurred at the Metro on December 2nd & December 3rd, 2011. Both shows were monumental, and we were stoked to be there to document them. Many thanks to Chaka, Shannon Pietro, Jason Conny and the rest of our Chicago crew of volunteers. A project of this scale could never have happened without their faith and hard work.To make things even more amazing, we set up a modest Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to pay for the camera and computer gear we had to rent for the shoot, and to finance the daunting unavoidable massive postproduction costs, and met our goal in ONE WEEK!Check out these screengrabs from various camera positions! These DVDs became THE ULTIMATE POI LIVE EXPERIENCE that PDP fans have always wanted!